Huqvarna/ Moto-Rêve
Swiss engines in Sweden
From 1910 on you could buy Moto-Rêve motorcycles from Husqvarna. Model 65, sold from 1910 to 1912, had the well known 274cc engine with a.i.v. Even the first Husqvarna/Moto-Rêve motorcycle had a Husqvarna frame. Husqvarna had a long tradtion producing bicycles and made the frames themselves. At the first glance both frames look the same. But swedish frames are 25mm longer and the tubes are thicker. In Switzerland they used bushings to connect the tubes, in Sweden they used inside bushings,which you could not see, they frames look more elegant. It is funny Husqvarna gave guarantee only for the frame not for the engine. Some smaler parts were also changed. A Husqvarna steering head sign came on the bike, the fueltank got bigger and in 1916 the oiltank was mounted under the saddle. This was very importent because, filling stations were not found too often.
Starting with the model 145 in 1916 Husqvarna built their own 3 speed gearbox. This gearbox was used in differnt models and built until 1930. Model 145 A ,the Armymodel, had a mechancial oilpump added by Husqvarna. This was, with 90kg, allready a heavy bike. It had 550cc engine and 4hp. The cooperation between Husqvarna and Moto-Rêve ended in 1918. Only 48 bikes were sold in this year. Husqvarna started their own engine production in 1919 with the model 150.